Hey there! I'm George Lakis, a tech enthusiast, digital artist, and accidental crypto whiz. Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I share my journey of discovering and exploring the fascinating world of artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, and everything in between.

I use my blog as a platform to share my journey, discoveries, and insights in AI, crypto, and trading. I talk about my successes, failures, and everything I've learned along the way. I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can inspire others to explore, learn, and maybe even stumble upon their own accidental success.

If you enjoyed my pieces please hit the Follow Button. I'm trying to build a Community of like minded people to connect with

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George Lakis

George Lakis

Tech and crypto enthusiast. Stumbled upon success in AI with a crypto trading bots. Goal:1000 Followers by the end of 2023 BLOG:https://lakisdrops.com